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Standing Committees.

In addition to our elected officials, we have established several standing committees that carry out the work that helps us to meet the goals of the Foundation.  If you are a member-in-good-standing and interested in joining one of these committees, please contact the Committee Lead as listed below it.

The executive committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer.  They meet periodically to approve any pressing matters anything that requires immediate action and can be approved without board approval i.e. prior approved budget expenditures.
Committee Lead: Doug Robb     Email


This committee reviews the organization's finances and reports any budgetary concerns or opportunities, establishes reserve funds and short- and long-term investments. The finance committee helps select an auditor and works with this person to conduct regular audits. 
Committee Lead: Fraser Ramsay     Email


The fundraising committee leads the board's fundraising effort and works with other members/board members to establish a fundraising plan. This plan includes quarterly events, sponsorship, and other activities. The committee also ensures the proper acknowledgement of financial supporters and keeps financial support solicitation expenses in line with approved budgets.


The Marketing/Communication Committee works closely with board committees to develop and implement a marketing/communications plan that articulates the primary audiences for the organization, how best to reach them, and what they most care about. The committee monitors the presentation of the organization’s brand, and ensures that the products, services, and programs of the organization remain relevant to the audience.
Committee Lead:

The Membership/Outreach Committee creates and implements recruitment and retention programs to increase and maintain membership or broad community engagement. This committee also liaises with other 100 Men & Women groups and local charities with whom we engage.
Committee Lead: Doug Robb   Email

The Board Development Committee is responsible for seeking nominations for potential board member candidates within the existing membership. The committee meets with potential board members to explain the work of the organization and identifies the strengths and weaknesses in board candidates. The Board Development Committee is responsible for compiling a list of candidates to run for vacant positions at the Annual General meeting.

Committee Lead: Mike Reilly     Email